WCHS GEAR UP is a federally funded program that helps students prepare to succeed in education and training beyond high school. “GEAR UP” stands for “Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs,” and the program’s goal is to help more students pursue their dreams of earning a college diploma or skillset certificate.
GEAR UP provides many free activities and services to help students and their families plan, apply and pay for education and training beyond high school. Examples include:
College campus visits and tours
Credit recovery classes
ACT/SAT test preparation workshops
Academic day camps and workshops
Financial aid workshops
College prep summer academies
College exploration and preparation workshops
Career academies
Leadership academies
GEAR UP offers extra support to two groups of students and their families:
Students currently in 7th grade can participate in GEAR UP from their seventh grade year all the way through their high school graduation.
All 12th grade students graduating between 2023 and 2030 can participate in GEAR UP during their senior year.
At times, GEAR UP may offer activities and services to other students, depending on funding regulations and availability.